Please check your camper for head lice two weeks before departure for camp and then again right before you leave for Opening Day. Campers are screened by camp staff for lice when they arrive at Eden Village, and may be screened again if we feel they may have come in contact with lice. If one child is found to have lice, our policy is to screen everyone in the bunk.
If your child is found to have lice, Eden Village will purchase a new pillow, hairbrush, comb and baseball cap for your child and charge your account accordingly. We may also need to contract with an outside company that specializes in lice treatment, and will charge your account if necessary. Eden Village can’t accept responsibility for recontacted cases due to the fluid nature of contraction.
We hope you know how seriously Eden Village takes quality of life issues here at camp, one of which is lice. Lice present absolutely no health danger, yet they are a nuisance that we address according to the American Camping Association guidelines for top-tier overnight camps.