As you consider options for distributing your giving, please consider Eden Village Camp. We welcome a variety of donations, from financial contributions to building materials, services, or program equipment.


Your time is your most precious gift, and you can help Eden Village tremendously this way!

  1. Virtually staff an Eden Village table at a local event
  2. Help promote camp to local families, synagogues, health food stores, newspapers, Facebook and more! You can download this one page poster and put it up around your community.
  3. Volunteer your skills (grant writing, Web, PR, chopping wood).
  4. Host a virtual house party for Eden Village or bring us to your school or synagogue. Click here to let us know you're interested!
  5. Click here to refer a friend or family member to Eden Village.

Financial Contributions

In addition to camp tuition, Eden Village Camp relies on generous donations from individuals and foundations to operate our camp. Your support is critical to our capacity to offer financial aid (camperships) to our participants.
Eden Village Camp is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
If you are able to help us in our vision of making Eden Village Camp financially accessible to all interested families, please make a donation.

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

You may make gifts to Eden Village Camp in memory of a loved one or to honor special occasions and milestones. You may also invite donations to Eden Village when you have a celebration like a b'mitzvah. These contributions enable you to pay special tribute while simultaneously supporting an amazing organization.

Eden Village Camp sends gift acknowledgements to honorees or their families. You may make an honorary gift to the Eden Village Camp Scholarship Fund using our secure online donation form. If you would like us to include a personal message in the acknowledgment letter sent to the honoree/family, please email

B'Mitzvah Projects and Gifts

Many synagogues and shuls encourage students to initiate a mitzvah project in order to contribute to the community, as part of becoming a Jewish adult. We welcome you to do your mitzvah project in connection with Eden Village Camp as a way of creating a healthier and more sustainable world. Via your project, and by encouraging your community to donate to Eden Village in your honor, you have real power to make a positive difference. Contact us so we can discuss your interests and create a project, based either at camp or in your home community, that excites and inspires you. 

Wish List and In Kind

During any given year, Eden Village accepts a number of in-kind donations (gifts of camp equipment or supplies, tools, office products, labor or services and even automobiles). These items or services, worth a wide range of dollar value, can be hugely beneficial to Eden Village, as they offset the costs of purchasing said items, thereby reducing operating expenses. Generally, you can claim the value (as determined by a qualified appraiser) of the in-kind donation on your taxes.
Before you make an in-kind donation to Eden Village, we ask that you contact us to be certain that we are able to use the goods or services.

To make an in-kind donation, please contact us!

  • Vehicles in Working Condition
  • Solar Panels
  • High Ropes Course Element
  • Low Ropes Course Element
  • Sunfish sailboats
  • Wind Turbine
  • Fruit Trees
  • Microscopes
  • Musical instruments
  • Carnival gear and games
Matching Gifts 
Many companies will match gifts made by their employees to a variety of charitable organizations. Matching gift programs provide added incentive for employees to actively support local, national and world-wide causes, while doubling or even tripling the original contribution amount.
Your employer may be one of more than 7,500 companies that provide matching dollars for qualified charitable causes. Giving opportunities and organizational focus areas vary by company.
To find out if your employer provides matching funds and inquire about the process (it usually just involves filling out and sending a form), visit your human resources or personnel office.
Gifts of Stock 
Please alert of us to an incoming gift of stock.
The amount of the proceeds from the gift may be a slightly different amount from the date of stock transfer, as a stock trade takes three days from sale to settle and also involves minimal bank fees (usually less than $10).
L'Dor VaDor, A Partnership for the Future 
The Eden Village Planned Giving Program
Planned Giving refers to a set of philanthropic mechanisms that can provide income benefits and tax savings for donors, while investing in the mission of Eden Village Camp and supporting future generations of campers. Planned gifts are usually made out of accumulated assets, not from current, disposable income.

Planned gifts may be UNRESTRICTED, to be used for the area of greatest operational need, or DESIGNATED to a particular program or area, such as Eden Village Camp’s Campership Endowment, where they will assist Eden Village Camp campers in perpetuity.

Individual approaches to planned giving will vary based on age or financial planning goals. Through your investment in Eden Village Camp’s future, your objective may be to:

  • Create a source of life income
  • Save on capital gains
  • Save on gift or estate taxes
  • Lower estate liability taxes or even create a tax-free legacy for your family

There are a number of gift options that will create tax savings and/or income benefits for you, while assisting Eden Village Camp in carrying out its mission. The most frequently applied planned giving vehicle is BEQUESTS, which may take the form of:

  • Cash
  • Securities (Gifts of stock, bonds and mutual funds)
  • Real estate holdings
  • Tangible property such as art work
  • Residuary or contingent bequests (gifts left to Eden Village Camp in your Will)
  • Retirement Contributions (see important note below!) (e.g. gifts from IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension, or profit-sharing plans)

Please use the following language in your Will, in the event that you would like to incorporate a bequest to Eden Village Camp therein:

“I give ( __ dollars / __ percentage or all of the residue of my estate) to Eden Village Camp Inc, a 501(c )(3) nonprofit organization located in Putnam Valley, NY, 10579, for the benefit of _______________ (area of designation or program, unless “unrestricted” bequest).”

Other Planned Giving Options - 
Additional and more in-depth planned giving may include establishment of life-income gifts such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and pooled income funds, or contributions established through charitable lead trusts.

Making a Planned Gift to Eden Village Camp

Please contact Andrew Ziv at, who can assist you and your professional advisor/counsel with more detailed information on these various planned giving tools, specific legal language, and additional information.

Our Federal Tax ID number is 26-4373931