Please note that forms are due May 5th.  We assess a late fee of up to $200 if all forms are not completed by May 5th.  If there are extenuating circumstances that you know will keep you from submitting your forms on time, please let us know as soon as possible and we will work with you.

This guide will take you through the process of completing the medical forms, step-by-step.  If you have any questions along the way that aren't answered below, please give us a call at 845-809-0080.

STEP 1: Make an appointment for your camper(s) with a health care provider.

A number of our forms require a physician's signature and your child must have had a physical within the 12 months prior to the start of camp.  If your child has had a physical recently, you will still need to make an appointment to have the camp medical forms completed and signed by a physician.

We accept telemedicine physicals as long as all forms are signed by the physician. 

STEP 2: Print the following forms which must be completed and signed by a physician from your CampInTouch account:

Doctor Completed Medical Documents: This is a multi-page document. Every page must be filled out completely and every page must be signed by a physician and a parent/guardian even when submitting attachments. You may attach a signed Physical Exam Report. Check the box on the first page of the documents to indicate you are including an attached copy of the physical and/or immunization record.

Make sure an up-to-date vaccination record is filled or attached by your provider. 

Severe Allergy Action PlanThis form is only required if your child has a severe allergy.  It must be signed by a physician if submitted.

Once completed and signed, upload the forms listed above, to your camper's CampInTouch account.

STEP 3: Complete the McCarthy's Pharmacy Medical Request Form.

This form is required for every camper, without exception, and is due May 5th.  All medications, vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter medications which your camper takes on a regular basis must be listed on the McCarthy's form. Note that this is a web-based form which will open outside of CampInTouch.

(If your child will not be taking any medications or supplements on a regular basis we still require you to complete the form so that should your child need a prescription during camp we will be able to have it filled by McCarthy's without having to ask you to complete the form in the moment.)

  • Note: Medication in gummy form cannot be administered in camp.
  • Filling all camper prescriptions and supplements through McCarthy's allows us to ensure the highest level of safety possible for our campers and we expect families to use McCarthy's in every possible case.  If you would like to request permission to opt out of the requirement to have all camper medications/supplements filled by McCarthy's, please complete the Opt-Out Request section of the form and note the associated fees.  (There are a small number of situations in which we grant exemptions and waive fees)

STEP 4: Using your child's physical exam report as a guide, complete the Parent Submitted Health History online in CampInTouch. 

Make sure the information matches exactly what your healthcare provider wrote on the Doctor Completed Medical Forms. This electronic database is synchronized with other records used by our doctors and nurses and the information must match.

STEP 5: Complete additional medical forms in CampInTouch. These forms do not require a doctor or other third party’s signature.

Proof of Insurance and Consent to Treat form, making sure to include images of both sides of your camper's insurance cards.  Note that this is a web-based form which will open outside of CampInTouch. Only camp staff and medical providers will have access to this information

Meningitis Form online in CampInTouch.

STEP 6: Dive back into CampInTouch and complete all of the remaining non-medical forms.  These forms are all online and do not require the signature of a third party.

Please remember, all forms are due no later than May 5th.  Submitting your forms on time and completed in full helps us ensure the safety and well-being of our entire camp community!