Programming on the farm is dynamic, seasonal, and engaging. Here are just a few examples of the amazing things that our campers can participate in on the farm:
- Milk goats, harvest squash, or collect eggs for your morning Avodah (work)!
- Munch on cherry tomatoes and raspberries from your bunk-side snack garden – your natural vending machine!
- Harvest, thresh, winnow, & grind wheat to bake our own challah in a Solar Oven, just in time for Shabbat!
- Learn about the Hebrew months in our gigantic spiral calendar garden!
- Make (and eat!) fresh homegrown pesto from our bike-powered blender… on homemade pita from our clay oven!
- Culinary arts, beekeeping, caring for sheep and working with wool, pickling and preserving, maintaining a compost pile, food systems and food justice programs, and much more….